If you would like to learn how to play one of our flutes, or just need a refresher, then you are in the right place. We also have video and audio recordings of our instruments for you enjoyment.

Welcome to The Bard’s Musik Shoppe

Introduction to Ginger and our travelers saxophone, bamboo flutes, and shakuhachi.

Learn to play a side-blown bamboo flute.

Ginger playing a bamboo flute.

The music of the Aulos, or Fairy Pipes.

Samuel Pollack playing the aulos, or fairy pipes, in The Bard’s Music Shoppe at the Colorado Renaissance Festival.

Instructions, information, and samples of the hauntingly beautiful shakuhachi.

Learn about the history and make up of the shakuhachi
Instructions for playing the shakuhachi, a difficult flute to play.
Ginger playing the Shakuhachi
More of Ginger playing the Shakuhachi

What We Do

Spreading the Joy of Music

Come see us at the Arizona Renaissance Festival weekends from February 1st through March 30th!